Tips to Address Copyright Violation

Authors, actors, producers, designers, and others complain so much about the rate pirated copies causes immense damage to the music and film industry each year. An exact number cannot be quantified since the different studies come to very different values. Sources have disclosed that so many losses are counted each year due to piracy. Other studies estimate the lost sums much lower.

In the digital age, a pirated copy is created quickly and sometimes even unconsciously.

Copyright infringement means the violation of the law against whichever property that you are not the original owner to and also which you did not take any permission to use. In most countries, this is a serious crime which one can get a sentence of 5 years in prison.

How to Address Copyright Violation

Would you like to send a warning? Then you will receive information as to which formal and substantive requirements must be met. You did not commit copyright infringement; you can write a response stating the difference in what you wrote or created to what you are being accused of committing while having the backing of a lawyer who is well versed in copyright infringement.

What to do About Copyright Infringement

Copyright infringement is usually responded to with a warning. These should not ignore you, but do not prematurely sign. Instead, it is best to contact a lawyer who is reviewing the mission statement.

If you want to send a warning yourself, as a third person has infringed your copyright, then you should first secure evidence. In the warning you described what you accuse the offender and, if necessary, claim damages. In addition, you can send a cease and desist add and request that the copyright is destroyed.

Some people tend to follow the issue diplomatically and so; they often send a message first to the person basically in a writing form so as to file the report if necessary, warning him/her to take down such post.

By Clare Louise
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