Free & Paid Ways to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

As a business owner, you want to drive more traffic to your website. You might be wondering if there are free or paid ways to do that. Let me ease your mind: there are plenty of options out there! In this article, we’ll dig into some of the best ways for you to attract new visitors and keep them coming back for more.

Social Media

You can use social media to drive traffic to your website in a number of ways. First, you can build an audience on the platform by posting content that people will find interesting or useful. If they like what they see and read, they’ll follow you and keep coming back for more.

Secondly, if there’s something specific going on with your business (like an upcoming sale), it’s often helpful to promote this on social media platforms so that people who may not otherwise have heard about it will see it in their feeds. This way, even if someone doesn’t follow or interact with your brand frequently enough for their name badge showing up on their feed regularly enough for them to notice new posts from that account directly–they will still be aware of what’s going on because there are now multiple sources pointing out those same details!


  • Promote events via Twitter chats where users can ask questions about topics related specifically toward attending said events such as ticket info/prices etcetera;
  • Promote products through Instagram stories where users can swipe up onto desktop screens which leads directly into product pages within websites (iTunes podcasts);

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a great way to build your brand and drive traffic to your website. It’s also something that takes time, but can be very cost effective.

Content marketing is a long-term strategy that requires you to create valuable content on a regular basis. This can help build trust with potential customers, which will hopefully lead them back to your website when they’re ready for their next purchase!

PPC Advertising

PPC advertising is paid advertising on search engines and social media platforms. For example, if you want to drive traffic from Google or Facebook to your website, then PPC would be a good option for you.

PPC can be very cost effective and has a low barrier to entry because it allows businesses of all sizes to get their products in front of potential customers quickly and easily.

Create a blog

You can use this as an extension of your marketing strategies and place links back to your website in each blog post. If you want more traffic, consider writing longer posts — at least 1,000 words — that give readers a lot of value with little risk on their part (i.e., they don’t have to pay anything). You can also use tools like Buzzsumo or Ahrefs to find out which articles in your industry have gained the most shares and mentions. This will help ensure that what you write is relevant and useful for others too!

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a great way to stay in touch with your customers and build relationships with them. It’s also an excellent way to promote products and services, or even sell them directly through emails.

When it comes to email marketing, there are many free options available–but you may want to consider paying for something that will get better results for your business.

SEO is a essential

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of attracting potential customers through organic search results on Google. The more visible your website appears in Google’s search results, the more people will see it and click on it. The better your content ranks in Google’s search results, the more likely people will click on it and visit your website.

You can optimize your site with SEO by using keywords, writing titles and descriptions that contain long-tail keywords, creating content that engages users and building backlinks (links from other websites).

If you need extra help with SEO, there are many affordable services available online and great companies, such as an expert SEO agency from Sydney that can help fine-tune your strategies to make sure they’re optimized for search engines.

Get listed in search engines

Search engines like Google make their money by selling ads based on keywords typed into the search engine (e.g., “car insurance”). People type these keywords into Google when they’re looking for information related to those topics, so they’re often interested in content related to those keywords as well. This means that getting listed in search engines is a great way to drive more traffic — but only if you rank high enough in the search results!

Offline Promotions and Events

You can promote your website offline as well. This is a great way to get your name out there, drive traffic to it and hopefully get people coming back again and again. Here are some ways you can use offline promotions:

·         Join a local business networking group where people who are interested in what you do gather regularly to discuss their businesses. Asking questions about their websites and offering advice on how they might improve them will help build trust with those who attend these meetings regularly (which could include potential clients). You’ll also gain exposure when others see that another member has hired you as their web designer!

·         Create flyers advertising your services which include information about what makes you different from other designers, along with contact details such as telephone numbers and email addresses so people can reach out if they’re interested in working together.

As you can see, there are many ways to drive traffic to your website. The key is to find which ones work best for your business and then focus on those strategies. Don’t waste time trying out something that doesn’t bring results! It’s better if you spend time on one or two tried-and-true methods than spreading yourself thin across multiple channels that don’t provide much return on investment (ROI).

By Carol Gilmore
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