Your Business Needs A HACCP Plan

HACCP- Hazards Analysis Critical Control Points – is a preventative food safety management system that enables effective risk management, identifies issues and initiates controls which optimise the food safety levels in a business involved in the preparation, manufacture and sales of items for consumption.


It originated in the 1960’s and today UK and EU legislation demands that it is employed by every food business.

Having HACCP based food safety management systems, an HACCP plan active in your establishment and fully understood by every team member can make the difference between a food hygiene incident, legal action, penalties or business survival.

Only 9% of customers ignore the food hygiene rating attributed to an eatery by the Food Standards Agency and local authority inspector.

42% refuse to enter food premises that have been implicated in a food hygiene incident, even if the management has changed. Can you afford to take a lax attitude and risk the wellbeing of staff and customers?

Using an HACCP plan and the seven integral principles of HACCP means that you have legislation meeting food safety management systems in operation.

Although HACCP principles are mentioned in broader food safety training courses available through industry specialists including the London based Food Alert, you should take a dedicated HACCP food safety training course to gather the information to establish HACCP throughout your business.

Training courses for all staff members deliver a clear understanding of the importance of an HACCP plan and why HACCP principles are imperative within food safety management systems.

Team members should attend level 2 HACCP training. The next level, HACCP level 3, is designed for supervisors, management and business owners. Level 2 is GCSE equivalent, HACCP level 3 is comparable with AS/A level.

The level 2 Principles in HACCP course content:

  • Introduces HACCP. Its history and legal aspects.
  • Principles:
  1. Hazard analysis.
  2. Identify critical control points.
  3. Establish critical control points.
  4. Establish monitoring procedures.
  5. Initiate corrective actions.
  6. Ensure changes are effective.
  7. Maintain documentation and records.
  • Contamination: microbial, physical, chemical and allergenic.
  • Contamination sources and how to control food borne illnesses.
  • How to develop HACCP based systems using HACCP principles.
  • The commercial benefits of HACCP.
  • The need for an effective hazards analysis system.
  • Determine critical control points.
  • How to initiate, monitor and achieve critical limits.
  • Practical situations.
  • Monitor, review and maintain critical control points.
  • Corrective actions and records.
  • HACCP review.

HACCP level 3 looks at the system in greater depth and instructs management how to enforce and monitor best practices, identify and correct issues and to keep effective records.

Also available, how to personalise special HACCP’s in your business.

After training the attendees:

  • Understand the benefits of completing risk assessments.
  • An improved working environment.
  • Increased staff development.
  • Optimised business continuity.

Whatever Brexit delivers, trading in the EU will probably continue to mean compliance to HACCP principles and proof that food safety management systems are in place. Don’t limit your business potential or ignore food hygiene responsibilities.  That will always cost more than a training course.

By Hazel Thomas
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