7 Ways to Improve your Mobile Search Ads

Like a lot of things in the realm of digital marketing, mobile search ads are often talked about but rarely understood. You would think that with the amount of time we’ve spent discussing these marketing subjects that advertisers and marketers would know how to get these things right, but some things take a little time. If you don’t know what you’re doing with mobile search ads, however, you’ll end up wasting money and missing out on a lot of conversions.

The Importance of Getting it Right

If you’re new to the scene, you might not fully grasp the importance of mobile search ads and other areas of digital marketing. It’s easy to think that something couldn’t have too big of an impact on the success of your business, but that’s why none of this is “easy.” Did you know people have started making searches on their phone much more often than they do on a computer? Mobile searches actually make up more than half of search traffic in Thailand, which is why more people are continuing to increase their spending in this area.

Even with those outstanding statistics, it seems that businesses are still more likely to make a conversion via a computer search than they are via a mobile search. This could be because people aren’t understanding how to take advantage of this marketing method. Most smartphone users have said that they would be loyal to a brand that offered a relevant and helpful mobile experience. On the other hand, they also said that they’d be much less likely to be loyal to a brand that had a poor mobile presence.

With all of this considered, Digital Marketing Agencies in Bangkok still aren’t optimizing their mobile experiences. In fact, more than half of them have said that their mobile experience is pretty much exactly the same as their desktop experience. With the level of emphasis that is put on mobile experiences, it’s essential to optimize for the platform specifically, making it individually different than the experiences offered on other platforms. Luckily, there are some clear steps you can follow to help optimize your mobile search ads and guarantee more conversions and brand loyalty for your business.

  1. Optimize Your Landing Page

To start things off, your website or landing page absolutely needs to be optimized for mobile. Most of the time, this doesn’t mean just a slightly edited version that makes the layout fit on a mobile screen. If your website isn’t optimized for the mobile platform, you’ll end up losing sales and having less engagement activity. Make sure your website is fast and easy to navigate.

  1. Write Mobile-Specific Copy

Another thing to consider is changing up your copy to adjust for mobile devices. You can do this with simple if-then statements that tell your website or ad to show certain phrases if the user is using a mobile device. For example, you could say something like “shop on your phone” or another similarly targeted phrase. You might also use location terms for a mobile copy, as it’s been shown that mobile searches are heavily linked to location-relevant searches, as well.

  1. Use Mobile-Optimized Extensions

When it comes to the performance of your website, you’re probably using a lot of extensions that promote additional functions and features. Make sure that the extensions you’re using won’t make mobile devices load your website slower. On top of that, there are many extensions that are designed to specifically optimize your website’s performance on mobile devices. For example, they might include messaging or calling extensions that utilize mobile features.

  1. Take Advantage of Mobile Functions

Remember that your audience, in this specific case, is using a mobile phone, and they can do a lot of things from that device. One of the most efficient things they can do is call your business, and calling is actually one of the greatest ways to boost sales. Make sure to encourage calling in your copy and other website features.

  1. Optimize Your Bids for Mobile

Sometimes you need more than just the general tools. For example, there’s only so much that AdWords can do for you. When it comes to bids, it’s important that you make sure they’re optimized separately for both the computer and mobile devices. By making bids hourly for both desktop and mobile, you guarantee that everyone will have an optimized experience.

  1. Use Auction Insights

There are many tools and resources available that can help you check on your site’s performance, especially in comparison with the sites of your competitors. Auction Insights by AdWords gives a more in-depth analysis of many areas of your website’s performance, including bidding strategies and device-specific information.

  1. Keep Your Mobile Experience Updated and Relevant

Overall, the most important thing is that you always review the strategy you’re using for mobile ads and optimization. Mobile devices are constantly changing, along with the way people are using them, so it’s essential that you keep up with the trends and maintain the relevancy of your business. In the end, you’ll be left with more loyal customers and higher conversion rates.

Gigi Sunghong is a Digital Content writer for Phoenix Media, a Digital Marketing Agency in Bangkok, Thailand. Fluent in English and Thai language she has been writing content around the growth and development of Digital Marketing in Thailand for the past three years.

By Elizabeth McGregor
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